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All you need to know about white label marketing
aug. 05, 2020

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What exactly is white label marketing? Well, find out all you need to know about white label marketing and find out how it can benefit your firm’s processes and strategy. Read our post, offer your clients a better experience and easily boost your business.
What exactly is white label marketing? Well, find out all you need to know about white label marketing and find out how it can benefit your firm’s processes and strategy. Read our post, offer your clients a better experience and easily boost your business.
What is white label marketing?
Well, let’s start off with white labelling. White labelling is the practice of utilising another company’s product or services and rebranding it as your own.
For instance, let’s say you own a clothing store and you want to start selling t-shirts with your brand name on them. By using another company’s product, in the form of t-shirts, but printing your own branding on the t-shirt, you are using a white labelled product.
White label marketing is the same sort of principle. White label marketing deals specifically with outsourcing your marketing efforts to a marketing bureau or agency that specialises in the field. This results in digital marketing assets that are under your business’s name or brand.
White label marketing includes a wide selection of techniques, for example email marketing, SEO, inbound marketing, social media marketing or content marketing. White label marketing can also include other areas of expertise like website design and development, app development or photography.
We will be focusing on the latter of the two in this post - white label marketing.
What are the benefits?
So, what are the benefits of using white label marketing? Why outsource your marketing efforts to someone else? Well, there are advantages of doing this that can save you money and time, as well as give you a better, more impressive, end result.
Work with experts
White label marketing allows you to work with experts in their fields who have access to the very best tools and techniques.
For instance, say you need a complex, professional-looking video for one of your clients, but your skills are not particularly strong in the field of professional videography.
Well, working with a firm that specialises in professional videography will result in a high-quality end product that you can then present to your client. White label marketing offers you the best experts in the industry and the best end products that you can show to your clients.
Increase your offerings
Do you want to increase the different services and products you can offer to your clients? Well, partnering with a specialised firm via white label marketing can provide a great way for you to expand your offerings and fulfil your client’s requests.
For example, offering professional brand videos as part of your service to your clients.
White label marketing is a more casual way to partner with another firm without committing to developing a new in-house video team.
Save time and resources
Just like with anything in the business world, optimising your business is the best way to stay competitive and efficient.
It is also important to keep developing new products or services to stay ahead of competition and follow trends or new technology.
As we’ve discussed earlier, by partnering with external parties through white label marketing, you can efficiently offer your clients the most up-to-date services with the most up-to-date techniques or tools.
But what we haven’t discussed yet are the saved resources. White label marketing can save time and money, as there is no need to hire new staff or develop new products or execute rebrands.
All of these services cost the business, whether it be money or time. White label marketing can save your business’s resources and allow for more efficient processes.
Reduce labour costs and overheads
Much like the previous point, working with an external firm will save you money on overhead costs.
Maintaining an in-house team can be an expensive aspect, with overheads and the day-to-day costs of running the workspace rising quickly.
Working with an external team means there is no need to expand the office space, most likely resulting in a higher rent and/or overheads. Also, working with white label marketing means you do not need to recruit, onboard and train new employees.
When should you consider white label marketing?
Are you unsure about whether you need white label marketing? Maybe you’re forming new business objectives or you feel that you have reached your current potential.
Well, white label marketing can easily take your business to a new level and reach your full potential. Check out our points below to decide whether you are ready for white label marketing.
Additional services
Have you recently noticed that your clients need additional products or services? For example, given that mobile devices created over half of all global website traffic in 2019, maybe you have started to get more client requests to handle the development of mobile websites.
Well, this is a great opportunity to reach out to web development firms and perhaps create a partnership together.
By reaching out to a white label marketing agency, you can fulfil your client’s wishes and save money on hiring a new, in-house, web development team.
Lack of expertise
Becoming a marketing expert takes time and dedication. Perhaps you have realised that you lack the skills in certain areas, like web development.
In order to offer your clients the very best service, it may be worth considering a white label marketing agency to complete the tasks that you lack the skills for.
This means that you can provide your client with a well-rounded service without having to master the task at hand.
Declining sales
If you have seen your recent sales decline, then this is a warning sign. It could be your marketing strategy or maybe you are targeting the incorrect consumers.
White label marketing agencies can help you with your strategy and ensure you are on the right path for your business.
They will also provide an outside perspective that may give you some ideas that you have never considered before.
Disappointing marketing results
If you have recently implemented a marketing strategy that reaped disappointing results then maybe it is time to draft in an expert.
Much like the previous point, white label marketing agencies can offer another professional opinion and give their advice.
How do you choose the right white label marketing agency?
There are some basic points to think about before you commit to a white label marketing agency. Take a look below.
Do your research
A pretty obvious point but make sure that the white label marketing firm is a legit business. Check out the firm’s website, contact details and reviews (if possible).
Look out for any spelling, grammar mistakes and the overall design of the site. If the site does not have great accessibility or is hard to navigate then it may be illegitimate.
Trust your gut, and if it looks dodgy then it most likely is, and you should avoid any contact with it.
Everyone knows the importance of networking in the business world. This is particularly useful if you are looking for a white label marketing agency. You can simply ask your network for recommendations.
If you get the name of a white label marketing firm that was recently used by your most trusted business partner then it is most likely a good choice.
Dig deeper
Another tip when choosing white label marketing agencies is to dig deeper on their software. How do they analyse the data? What techniques do they use? Do they offer any unique insights over other white label marketing agencies?
Not only does this inform you of their business practises, but it can ensure that you are choosing the correct firm to suit your business.
Looking for a white label marketing agency? Agency360 is an all-in-one white label platform that offers agencies initiative reports and easy-to-navigate analytical dashboards. Want to find out more? Start your free trail here.